It’s Official!

We sent off the enrollment check for Hannah Rose to attend the Detroit Waldorf School.  (A deposit, really…the rest of the tuition isn’t due until August!)

….have lots more things to post.  I know I’m behind a bit but things have been a bit crazy.  I’ll work on it soon though!



Remember this?

Last week was the parent interview and observation of Hannah Rose at the Detroit Waldorf school.  We just got the news….she’s been accepted!!!  

 I am sooo excited!!!!  Not just me–but all around we’re excited!!!

 Nancy’s going to have Chris tell Hannah Rose the good news this afternoon! 

For the observation, Hannah Rose spent half the day with the current kindergarten class.  The following day was parent-teacher conferences…and the kindergarten teacher said that the parents of all the girls were asking, “Who’s Hannah?”  lol!!!  She’s a charmer all right!!! 

 Did I mention I’m excited??? 

She is going to get such a GREAT education!!! 

Addendum–Chris told Hannah Rose over the phone this afternoon that she’d be going to Detroit Waldorf for Kindergarten and she was so excited she couldn’t really concentrate at Karate!  Turns out, right after her observation at Waldorf she told her mom that she wanted Waldforf to be her kindergarten, and has been talking about it since.  Hannah Rose called me this evening before going to bed and the first thing out of her mouth was “Waldorf is going to be my kindergarten!”  She’s rather excited. 

Governmental Efficiency

Yes, I know that’s a paradox; a Utopian idea.  HOWEVER,  I got my passport today.

 I applied for it 15 days ago–including weekends and President’s Day.

I was told it would be 6-8 weeks before I got it, but 2 weeks!  Not bad!  And I didn’t even pay for express processing. 

So I can now legally leave (and re-enter) the country!  WooHoo!  I’ve been to Mexico…but I’ve yet to set foot in Canada, and I only live minutes away from it!  Maybe I can convince Chris that we should go to Canada if for no other reason than i can say I’ve been to Canada.  (He’s not too impressed with Canada…)

And maybe, just maybe….my dream of going to Ireland will become a reality.  I know Chris would like to take me there for our honeymoon–but we’ve a wedding to pay for, and a little girl to put through private school (hopefully–we’ll know soon if she gets accepted to the Detroit Waldorf School).

If only the rest of the government could be so efficient….  A girl can dream, can’t she???

Detroit Waldorf

I visited the Detroit Waldorf School today with Nancy.  Both she and Chris have been to the school before.  Today’s visit was the orientation/tour.  It’s the beginning process of applying for acceptance to the school.

Let me just say at the outset–I love this school!!!!  I so want Hannah Rose to be able to attend it! 

The school is beautiful.  See:

And that’s just the outside!! 

When we got there this morning there were some kids playing outside.  Yes, even in the snow!!!  It was great to see!

This school is more than beautiful, though.  I really like their philosophy and the way they teach.  Classes are small–20 kids at most.  Teachers follow students from 1st grade through 8th grade.  The arts–music, poetry, drama, movement are all emphasized and used as teaching tools.  She’d be learning Spanish and German.  She’d learn how to play a recorder in 1st grade, violin in 3rd grade, and in 5th grade would pick a permanent orchestra instrument.  Imagination and creativity are more than encouraged here–they flourish!!!

Concerning language arts–they don’t work on teaching little kids to read immediately.  Instead they teach them stories with rich vocabulary.  So when they do start to learn to read they’re able to read the words and the meaning behind the words.  You know, that just might be my favourite part of the school–the way they approach language arts!!!

The students have no computers in this school.  It’s old-school at school.  (Like they can’t learn computers at home!!!  lol)

There’s no cafegymitorium either.  Kids all brown-bag it and eat in the classrooms.  No vending machines.  No soda machines.  They have a small but elaborate and beautiful theatre space.  They hold their plays, concerts, and assemblies there. 

I think this school would be an ideal fit for Hannah Rose.  She’s so imaginitive, creative, and has such an affinity for music already. 

To find out more about the school yourself go to their website at